Here is my experience and why this method has been part of my life and journey.
My teachings come from my teacher Sister Marielle Patenaude, she was a nun from the order of the Immaculate Conception. She was a missionary in Japan and that is where she first heard about Reiki and she pursued Reiki and became a Teacher herself, back in the l980's, unfortunately the Order did not approve of this and she disrobed as a Nun but nonetheless was still a very devout Catholic.
She began to see beyond the veil of the Religion and read in-between the lines and this is how she taught Reiki … she incorporated it all, Spirituality, Christianity and Reiki. One thing I remember very vividly…one of the stories she told us; which was one of the turning points for her... she was cleaning and saw her refection in the window and took some time to admire herself…she was seen by another sister and got reported for this and then got reprimanded. She explained that a devotion to being a nun is chastity, vanity and poverty. She went on to explain: that is why they tie three knots on the rope they tie around their robe as a way to remember. Although she was devoted to God, this began making no sense to her, hence that Reiki was a Divine intervention and inspiration for her to embark on. It gave her the freedom and at the same time continued to be of service to humanity in her own unique way. She still prayed daily and remained humble living a simple life. Always reminding us to have Humility! Embracing every Religion without restriction!
She was very knowledgeable and open in all spiritual teachings like Edgar Cayce, Joseph Campbell, Rudolf Steiner, to mention a few….
There is much more I can say but I just want you to see how a nun that was strictly Catholic with strict Christian beliefs, was able to incorporate Reiki into her life. She saw that it was an opportunity to be open and fearless with endless possibilities that allows every human to take charge of their life and heal and create a life of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth.
Like she said in French
‘’Le BEAU, le BON et le VRAI’’
I will continue to honor her and teach as I was taught.